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Monkey Music
Monkey Music Club

Monkey Music Club

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Did you know that the ear is the first organ to develop fully in the womb, enabling babies to take comfort in the music of their mother’s voice at just 17 weeks?

Our Rock'n'Roll classes are a nurturing and stimulating environment, with a strong focus on bonding between carer and baby. The babies are captivated by magical sounds around them, tracking sounds with their ears and eyes. The pulse of the music mirrors the mother's heartbeat in the womb and babies love feeling the rhythm and creating their own sounds with our hand held instruments. These also help with their physical co-ordination and understanding cause and effect. We use engaging bright and colourful props and interesting instruments that the babies just love.

Studies have shown that babies exposed to music classes at an early age go on to do better in English, Maths and Languages - as understanding and predicting rhythms and patterns are the key to future learning.

What clever Little Monkeys they are!

Join us to try a FREE class- our Summer Term starts on Monday 16th April and we’d love to welcome you and your family.



Posted: 28/02/2018
