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Monkey Music Club

Monkey Music Club

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There are many reasons why baby and toddler classes are great for little ones; Besides teaching your baby valuable skills, they facilitate early learning and development. In…
For many new parents, the thought of taking their bundle of joy to a baby class can be nerve-wracking and daunting. Worrying if your baby will enjoy the class, how you…
Monkey Music franchisees and teachers gathered over the weekend to celebrate Monkey Music’s 30th anniversary and live and breathe our brand ethos of ‘Sharing…
One of our most popular musical games at Monkey Music for both children and grown ups is Peek-A-Boo! But there’s more to this fun game than you might realise……
If you are a new parent, you might well be thinking about enrolling you and your baby into a local baby class. Baby classes are great way of having some quality bonding time…
This year, Monkey Music are thrilled to be celebrating our 30th birthday - time really does fly when you’re having fun!! Our very first Monkey Music classes for babies…