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Monkey Music
Monkey Music Club

Monkey Music Club

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We're so excited to announce the Islington launch of our new programme for tiny babies under 16 weeks- Beautiful Noise! A package of 3 gentle, sensory, bonding music sessions on Wednesdays in Upper Street: 12 & 26 June and 10 July.  We provide a kit of magical baby-friendly percussion sounds and a colourful sensory scarf, as well as video content you can enjoy at home when you are having "one of those days" and need to stay snuggled indoors!

Help your newborn to begin making sense of the world around them using their hearing, their superpower!

It's also a great opportunity to meet other families with similar age babies and make friends.

Take time together to cuddle up, move with the music and hear some gorgeous sounds.  We can't wait to meet you!

Posted: 07/05/2024
