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Monkey Music Club

Monkey Music Club

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The first few years of a child’s life, before they reach the age of 5, are crucial to their development. During these early years a child’s brain develops at a faster rate than at any time in their lives, and what they experience in these early years, shapes their developing brain, laying the foundations for their identity and future self.

As parents, we can tend to focus primarily on the physical milestones our children achieve during their early years—such as rolling over, crawling, standing, and walking. However, their social and emotional development is equally important during this stage as well.

At Monkey Music, we understand the importance of these early years and throughout our progressive four-stage curricula we use music as a basis to support and encourage all aspects of your little one’s development. From our Rock’n’Roll classes for babies to our Ding-Dong classes for our oldest children, Monkey Music provides a safe and nurturing environment for your children to have fun whilst learning new skills.

Taking part in a fun, creative yet structured activity such as Monkey Music enhances all aspects of a child’s development, whilst also improving their confidence, attention span and ability to follow instructions. The foundations we put in place help make their transition to nursery and big school much easier.

Why not join us at Monkey Music with your little one and see for yourself why our classes quickly become the highlight of the week for thousands of families across the UK.

Posted: 20/02/2024
