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Monkey Music
Monkey Music Club

Monkey Music Club

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At Monkey Music  we have the privilege of watching some lovely milestones in the Rock'n'Roll class.

Babies stages of development between 3 and 9 months typically include the following: 
- 3 months: More alert and growing stronger; maximizing their physical abilities; developing more consistent sleeping and eating habits; beginning to babble and produce short vocalizations; able to distinguish familiar faces. 
- 4 months: Able to recognize sounds, shapes, and colors; beginning to form trust; learning to roll over; able to recognize comfort objects.
- 5 months: Maximum physical development; able to grab and hold onto items with no help; able to recognize their own name; can share smiles with others. 
- 6 months: Playing peek-a-boo; beginning to communicate using words and actions; recognizing Mama and Dada; able to sit with minimal support. 
- 7-9 months: Exploring their environment; recognizing the tone of the speaker's voice; starting to understand basic concepts; beginning to crawl or walk; forming early words.

Posted: 20/07/2023
