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Is music good for babies and toddlers?

At Monkey Music, we’ve always known about the power of music and seen first hand the effect it has on both children and adults alike.

Music has positive effects on your baby or toddler’s brain, releasing endorphins, the chemical signals that increase feelings of wellbeing, and music also encourages a child's natural impulse to move, developing their fine and gross motor skills. Young children need many opportunities to develop both fine and gross motor skills so they can become confident to explore the world around them and music classes for babies and toddlers are a fantastic way to introduce these skills to your little one.

Exposure to music strengthens a child’s natural ability to unravel sounds and words. Babies and toddlers will start to identify rhythm and even move to the beat of music very early in their life and singing nursery rhymes to your child helps them identify sound patterns and learn through repetition.

Exposing your child to a variety of music helps create more pathways between the cells in their brains. Singing upbeat songs can lift their spirits and a soft lullaby helps soothe your baby or toddler. At Monkey Music, we use music to indicate different parts of each class, such as Time to Play, Time to Move or Time to Sleep.

Monkey Music classes for babies and toddlers provide a stimulating musical environment for your little one, using music as a basis to support and encourage the four key areas of child development. Join us at Monkey Music and share precious time together with your little one in a magical musical environment.

Posted: 01/02/2023
