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Tips for managing your toddler’s screen time

As parents we have an important role to play in helping our children live positively in a digital world but many parents struggle to find a solution to the screen time challenges they face with a toddler.

Let’s face it, being a parent is a tough gig, particularly when you’re craving a moment to yourself, and when you do need a break, that’s the time many of us turn to the offer of screen time.  But it’s important we give our children the support to help them use screens in a balanced way that is good for them.

Toddler’s can be persistent when it comes to wanting screen time but be careful not to give in to constant requests.  By regulating your toddler’s screen time, you’re less likely to be swayed by their insistent requests for it.

Below are some tips for managing screen time for your toddler:

Set expectations 

Before they have screen time, set their exceptions.  For example, tell them they can watch one programme or they can have the screen until bath time or for five more minutes.

Limit screen time

Toddlers need to be regularly active to help them grow healthily and time on a screen means they’re not moving about or exploring their environment so limiting the time they spend on screen will ensure they have plenty of opportunity for active, physical play.

Share screen time with your toddler

Engage in screen time with your toddler, and watch and interpret the content together. This will allow you to interact and engage with your child as you would when reading to them. This interactive approach can help boost your toddler's vocabulary and memory skills, while also providing enjoyable bonding time together.

Choose activities with simple, clear images

Toddlers struggle to cope with lots of images on a screen at the same time so choose simple, age appropriate activities your toddler can understand and therefore enjoy.

Select screen activities with simple songs

Young children enjoy songs and music with a steady rhythm and a sing-song tone. And repetitive songs help children to understand patterns. They can also start to anticipate what will come next.  The Monkey Music Club has age appropriate games, songs and activities that you can enjoy with your toddler when it is screen time.

Give a warning when it’s almost time to stop

Let them know that their screen time is coming to an end shortly, for example at the end of the game they’re playing or when the programme they’re watching finishes. You could also try using an alarm clock to let your toddler know that when the alarm goes off, screen time is over.

Young children benefit from having routine in their day. It's important for them to have times for playing, eating, and sleeping. This also applies to their screen time.

By taking your toddler to a regular activity such as Monkey Music, you’re ensuring regular time away from screens, where they can have fun with you and other children, and they can repeat the activities they have done at class at home too.

Posted: 29/06/2023
