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We love all our Monkey Music families, but sometimes, some of them become extra special for various reasons. This family really melted my heart. Little 'I' joined our Jiggety-Jig class at the age of 2. Her grandmother called me and explained that she has a degenerative lung condition which means she has to be on oxygen at all times, and the condition is life limiting. Unless she had a transplant, her life expectancy was very short, so it was even more special that they chose to share their precious time as a family with us at Monkey Music.

This week, I's grandmother emailed me to say, that after 2 years with us, they are handing in their notice as she is off to school in September! I'm obviously sad to see her go, but so so happy that she is thriving, and off to school, which they didn't ever know she would get to make.

Here's what I's grandmother had to say about their time with us at Monkey Music:

Hi Sally,

Indeed it's hard to believe that she was given only 9 months to live and here she is 2 years later. Monkey Music was our first venture outside of home and hospital and a real lifeline for us all.  Sadly the disease is degenerative and at some point she will start to deteriorate but we thank our stars for every day we have her. She still talks about you and asks when she will see you again so we'll try and make one of the holiday workshops or birthday parties for Monkey.

Honestly Sally I would highly recommend Monkey Music to all mums with little ones. Moving from class to class you really do see a transition in the behaviour and maturity of the children. When 'I' first started the Ding-Dong class (our fourth stage of our progressive curriculum for 3&4 year olds) I was dubious as to whether she would sit down and listen to what Vicky had to say about the musical instruments and notes, yet all the children learned so quickly and Vicky was so good at keeping them all engaged. A combination of a great course and hiring the best staff.

I do hope we get to see you again before she starts school.

Many thanks for everything xx

This sort of feedback is why I do what I do! To see the joy on children's faces, and to hear how it has impacted on their and their families' lives is truly amazing! We always love to hear stories like this so do please share any experiences you have had in your classes with us! Thank you! 

Posted: 23/04/2023
