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One of our most popular musical games at Monkey Music for both children and grown ups is Peek-A-Boo! But there’s more to this fun game than you might realise… 

Playing Peek-A-Boo stimulates your little one’s senses, encourages social development, helps build gross motor skills, strengthens visual tracking, and helps reinforce object permanence; the ability to understand that even though your baby or toddler can’t see something, like your smiling face, it still exits.

This ability to understand that an object or person is still there even though it can’t be seen, can also help your child's problem-solving skills as they get older.

Object recognition develops at around 3 months, and babies start to better understand the concept of object permanence by 8 months. By months 9 to 12, your baby or toddler will likely be able to play peekaboo on their own and will take delight in playing Peek-A-Boo with you over and over again!

Playing Peek-A-Boo also helps babies and toddlers experience emotions such as surprise and anticipation, as well as excitement and happiness when you suddenly reappear. The more you play Peek-A-Boo with your baby or toddler, the funnier it often becomes!

At Monkey Music we play lots of peek-a-boo games in our classes, using scarves to hide faces, boxes to hide props, blankets to hide toys and ourselves to hide instruments.  Join us at Monkey Music and share precious time together with your little one, we offer an awarding winning, age specific curricula!

Posted: 09/11/2023
